Router Blackhole List - testiskripti
Tästä joko näppärästi mailiserverin perään filtteriksi tai kääri komponentiksi ja aja vasten mailiakkountteja.
Asenna ensin aspdnsx. Helppoa kuin heinänteko. Ohjeistusta osoitteesta
Copypaste alta soveltuvaan tiedostoon, tyyliin rbl.vbs
Komentorivillä sitten "CSCRIPT rbl.vbs [tiedostonimi]". Paluukoodi paljastaa osuiko (Jos ReverseCodes on True, nolla kertoo että spammia, ykkönen tai muu kertoo että ei ollut tahi skripti kaatui nenälleen). Jos aiot tunkata mailiserverin perään, käytännössä external executables tyypillisesti vaatii .BAT-tiedoston (eivät osaa suoraan ajaa vbs:ää). Sisältö noin suunnilleen (rbl.bat):
CSCRIPT rbl.vbs %1
(ja siinä se.)
' RBLTest.vbs v. 0.2 ' (C) 2003 PLZI Option Explicit Const ForReading = 1 Const ForAppend = 8 Dim oArgs Dim SafeServers, RBLServers,DNSServer Dim RBLCount Dim MailFile Dim LogFileName, SessionStart Dim SpamFound Dim ReverseCodes, CodeErrorOrNoSpam, CodeSpamFound Dim LogFso, LogTs Dim CopyDir Dim ExitWhenFound Dim ToScreen Dim dummy ' ' Settings for the script ' ' Local addresses to be skipped SafeServers = "[],[],[],[]," SafeServers = SafeServers & "[],[],[]" ' RBL Server list to be used RBLServers = Array("","") ' DNS Server DNSServer="" ' Where to put the log LogFileName="c:\rbltest.log" ' Where to copy the spam files CopyDir="c:\mailserver\spam\" ' Exit with spamfound when first RBL match is found? ExitWhenFound=True ' Reverse the exit codes? (Merak uses filter settings where 0 means blocking) ReverseCodes=True ' Where to put the output, to log file or to screen? ToScreen=True If ReverseCodes Then CodeErrorOrNoSpam=1 CodeSpamFound=0 Else CodeErrorOrNoSpam=0 CodeSpamFound=1 End If SpamFound=False RBLCount = UBound(RBLServers) SessionStart="[" & Date & " " & Time &"] - Program started" Set LogFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set LogTs = LogFso.OpenTextFile(LogFileName, ForAppend, True) WriteLog SessionStart Set oArgs=WScript.Arguments If oArgs.Count = 0 Then WriteLog VbTab & "file name argument missing - exiting with code " _ & CodeErrorOrNoSpam Logts.close WScript.Quit (CodeErrorOrNoSpam) Else MailFile=oArgs(0) Main End If If SpamFound Then dummy = copyto(MailFile) WriteLog "- end run with exit code " & CodeSpamFound & VbCrLf Logts.close WScript.Quit (CodeSpamFound) Else WriteLog "- end run with exit code " & CodeErrorOrNoSpam & VbCrLf Logts.close WScript.Quit (CodeErrorOrNoSpam) End if Sub Main Dim RBLTest Dim F,T Dim dictIP Dim Headers Dim IPKeys, IPKeyCount Dim OneKey WriteLog VbTab & "Reading addresses from '" & MailFile & "'" Headers = RipHeader(MailFile) Set dictIP = RegExpTest("\[[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\]",Headers) WriteLog VbTab & dictIP.Count & " unique addresses found." IPKeys=dictIP.Keys IPKeyCount=UBound(IPKeys) If IPKeyCount>-1 Then For T=0 To RBLCount WriteLog VBTab & "testing against " & RBLServers(T) For F = IPKeyCount to 0 Step -1 OneKey=CStr(IPKeys(F)) If Instr(SafeServers,OneKey) Then WriteLog VbTab & OneKey & " is a local address-skipped" Else RBLTest=CreateRBL(OneKey,RBLServers(T)) If IsListed(RBLTest) Then SpamFound=True WriteLog "***" & VbTab & OneKey & " is listed in RBL!" If ExitWhenFound Then WriteLog VbTab & "stop processing (ExitWhenFound true)" Exit For End If Else WriteLog VbTab & OneKey & " (no match)" End If End If Next If SpamFound And ExitWhenFound Then Exit For Next Else Writelog VBTab & "No addresses to test!" End If End Sub Function WriteLog(byval temp) If ToScreen then WScript.Echo temp Else Logts.WriteLine temp End If End Function ' Check if address is listed in RBL(s) Function IsListed (byval Check) Dim objDNS,Response Set objDNS = CreateObject("ASPDNSX.RealDNSLookup") objDNS.DNSServer = DNSServer objDNS.TimeOut = 10000 Response = objDNS.GetIPFromName(Check) If Len(Response) = 0 Then IsListed=False Else IsListed=True End If Set objDNS = Nothing End Function ' Rip header from file Function RipHeader(byval filename) Dim fso, f1, ts, Line, Output, EndHeaders Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForReading) EndHeaders=False Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream or EndHeaders Line = ts.ReadLine Output=Output & Line & VbCrLf if Trim(Line)="" Then EndHeaders=True End If Loop ts.Close RipHeader=Output End Function ' List all IP's in data Function RegExpTest(patrn, strng) Dim regEx, Match, Matches Dim dictIP Set dictIP=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set regEx = New RegExp regEx.Pattern = patrn regEx.IgnoreCase = True regEx.Global = True Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng) For Each Match in Matches If Not(dictIP.Exists(Match.Value)) Then ' remove duplicates dictIP.Add Match.Value,Match.FirstIndex End If Next Set RegExpTest = dictIP End Function ' Create RBL FQDN from enclosed IP Function CreateRBL (byval ip, byval RBL) Dim IPElements, NewIP, F ip=Replace(ip,"[","") ip=Replace(ip,"]","") IPElements=Split(ip,".") For F=UBound(IPElements) to 0 Step -1 NewIP=NewIP & IPElements(F) & "." Next CreateRBL=NewIP & RBL End Function Function CopyTo (byval file) Dim fso, f2 Dim LastSlash, BareFile, NewName LastSlash = InstrRev(file,"\") BareFile = mid(file,LastSlash+1) NewName = CopyDir & BareFile & ".spam.txt" WriteLog VbTab & " copying to name " & NewName Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f2 = fso.GetFile(file) f2.Copy (NewName) Set fso=Nothing End Function